Join us at AACR 2021, Virtual meeting in April and May!
February 2021
Week 1: April 10 – 15; Week 2: May 17 - 21
This year the annual AACR meeting will be held in two parts, and we are thrilled to be a part of this exciting online meeting. By registering for the meeting, you have access during both weeks of the conference, and can also take part in all the great sessions up until the 21:st of June 2021 on demand.
Our booth at AACR
In our booth, you will be able to access our custom-made infographic including a collection of our best resources for cancer research. You will also be able to connect with and ask questions to Atlas Antibodies’ booth representative, Laura Pozzi, PhD, Senior Scientific Writer. You can also connect with Amy Mawdesley, PhD, Research Associate, from our newly acquired company HistoCyte Laboratories Ltd.
HistoCyte Laboratories’ portfolio of innovative cell line materials provides control of immunohistochemical assays used in the diagnosis of cancers. These materials have uniquely tissue-like properties that enhance the quality of tissue-based assays.