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Everything you need to know! Browse our webinar library and hear from experts who are using primary antibodies in their fields of scientific research. You will learn about new topics while gathering valuable information relevant to your research journey.

MolBoolean: A brand new method for the analysis of protein interactions in cells and tissue
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 Pan-Cancer: "A Preclinical Systematic Exploration
of Tumor Cell Vulnerabilities"
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Exploring neural lineages with brain organoids and their implications for understanding health and disease

Speaker: Dr. Veronica Pravata, Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich, Germany

In our latest webinar, recorded in June 2023, we are peering into the building blocks of the mind using primary antibodies as a tool to spatially visualize different neuronal lineage markers in human cortical organoids. Dr. Pravata delves into the fascinating world of brain organoids and explores their potential to shed light on the building blocks of the mind.

You will learn:

  • How brain organoids are providing unprecedented insights into brain development.
  • How this knowledge is helping our understanding of a range of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Webinar hosted by Atlas Antibodies. This recording is a property of Atlas Antibodies.

Importance of reliable antibodies in tumor pathology, focus on gynecological pathology

Speaker: Dr. Eugenia Kuteeva, R&D, Principal Scientist, Atlas Antibodies, Sweden

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is widely used in modern anatomic pathology both for the diagnostic classification of tumors and as a companion diagnostic to drug treatment.

Learning points:

  • How IHC helps to establish or confirm the diagnosis of female genital tract pathology, and for the diagnosis and classification of poorly differentiated neoplasms and metastatic tumors.
  • How Atlas Antibodies continuously work on the development of novel PrecisA Monoclonals™ antibodies.
  • The great effort into monoclonal antibody design and validation, which are then used for studying pathophysiological mechanisms of cancer, as well as diagnostic and prognostic markers in pathology.

Webinar hosted by Atlas Antibodies. This recording is a property of Atlas Antibodies.

The Human Protein Atlas - Spatial proteomics in health and disease

Speaker: Dr. Cecilia Lindskog, Project Manager, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Cancer Precision Medicine, Uppsala University, Sweden

In this webinar, Dr. Cecilia Lindskog discusses how spatial proteomics can contribute to further understanding of human biology.

Learning points:

  • How the Human Protein Atlas database helps to study mRNA and protein expression profiles across tissues, cells, and organelles.
  • The importance of stringent antibody validation for reliable protein detection.
  • How the integration of data across platforms and technologies allows for characterizing the human building blocks at a higher resolution.

    Webinar hosted by Atlas Antibodies. This recording is a property of Atlas Antibodies.
Glioma Biology and Molecular Markers

Speaker: Dr. Carolyn Marks, R&D Research Scientist, Atlas Antibodies, Sweden

Gliomas are heterogeneous tumors derived from glial cells and remain the deadliest form of brain cancer. This webinar walks through the history of glioma classification, the evolution of the molecular-based classification, and the emergence of an integrated diagnosis.

Learning points:
  • Specific molecular markers that revolutionized glioma biology and the clinical ramifications of glioma misclassification.
  • A summary of the current genetic, proteomic, and cellular biomarkers of glioma and the current approaches/challenges in glioma diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis.
  • Existing and upcoming proteomic resources to aid in overcoming the major hurdles in glioma diagnostics and treatment today.

Webinar hosted by the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and sponsored by Atlas Antibodies. This recording is a property of Atlas Antibodies.

The ins and outs of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking in ALS/FTD

Speaker: Dr. Rita Sattler, Department of Translational Neuroscience, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, USA

Learning points: 

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are two diseases that form a broad neurodegenerative continuum.
  • In this webinar, Dr. Sattler discusses the latest insights into the mechanisms of dysfunctional nuclear-cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA-binding proteins and how they might contribute to neurodegeneration in ALS/FTD.

    Webinar hosted by Nature Research and sponsored by Atlas Antibodies. This recording is a property of Atlas Antibodies.
The Brain Atlas: A road map through the complex protein signature of the brain

Speakers: Dr. Evelina Sjöstedt, KTH & SciLifeLab, Sweden, and Prof. Mathias Uhlen, Director of the Human Protein Atlas, KTH & SciLifeLab, Sweden 

Learning points:

  • Explaining the data generation and the features of the Brain Atlas.
  • Discussing the process for the identification and characterization of both brain- and regional-specific proteins and how they overlap.
  • Understanding the different strategies for profiling proteins in the mammalian brain.
Webinar hosted by Science AAAS and sponsored by Atlas Antibodies. This recording is a property of Atlas Antibodies.
Integration of transcriptomics and antibody-based proteomics for cell type-specific localization of SARS-CoV-2-related proteins

Speaker: Dr. Cecilia Lindskog, Project Manager, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Cancer Precision Medicine, Uppsala University, Sweden

Learning points:

  • Cell type-specific expression of ACE2 across more than 150 different cell types corresponding to all major human tissues and organs based on stringent immunohistochemical analysis. The results are compared with different datasets both on the mRNA and protein levels.
  • The importance of integration of transcriptomics and antibody-based proteomics in studies on SARS-CoV-2 host cell entry, in order to understand the biology of the disease and to aid in the development of effective treatments for the viral infection.

Webinar hosted by Atlas Antibodies. This recording is a property of Atlas Antibodies.