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Sustainability is at the very core of our business.

Together with our key stakeholders, we have defined five focus areas within sustainability. These are the areas where we see greatest potential for us as a Group to create an impact.

  • Product quality: We aim to deliver high-quality products and services to help our customers drive research forward.
  • Responsible sourcing & Animal Welfare: We have high ethical standards in our sourcing activities and decisions and consider ways to reduce the number of animals used or refine procedures to minimize distress.
  • Innovation: We strive to bring new products and services to market to meet our customers’ needs to enable them to continue to push innovation and science forward.
  • Resource efficiency: We commit to lowering our environmental impact through resource efficiency. We always seek to work efficiently and minimize our waste of resources.
  • Diversity & Inclusion: We truly believe that diverse teams and an inclusive culture drive innovation and better decision-making.

Atlas Antibodies Group commits to following laws and regulations established by governments and authorities, which set the framework for our operations. As a Group, we also commit to following the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.

Human rights

We commit to following national law and internationally proclaimed human rights such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights. We also commit to ensuring, as best we are able, to not be complicit in human rights abuses such as modern slavery and human trafficking. More details are covered in our Code of Conduct which also includes information on our whistleblowing function for reporting potential violations.


We commit to following national law regarding workers’ rights as well as complying with labor principles as defined by the UN Global Compact. We follow laws, agreements, and industry standards regarding working hours, environmental health and safety, and freedom of association.

Atlas Antibodies Group will not employ children that fall into the definition as stipulated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention, notwithstanding any national law or local regulation. We expect our business partners and associates to have and uphold similar standards and abide by country-governing laws in the countries wherein they operate.

We commit to maintaining gender balance in our Group leadership team and the total workforce. We strive for a workplace where equal opportunity and employee health and safety are paramount. No employee, customer, distributor, supplier, or other partner is to be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, religion, nationality, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, political views, union membership, social background, or ethnicity.


We commit to limiting our environmental impact and reducing our CO2 emissions to 50% by 2030 (compared to the 2016 baseline) for scopes 1 and 2. Key actions to reach our target will be to change to renewable electricity, and environmentally friendly technologies when applicable, at our sites. Our company travel shall be as environmentally friendly if possible. We always strive to reuse and recycle the materials we use.

Anti-corruption and anti-bribery

We shall work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion, bribery, conflicts of interest, and improper benefits.


We shall comply with applicable antitrust laws which are regulations that encourage competition by limiting the market power of any particular firm. This involves ensuring that mergers and acquisitions do not overly concentrate market power or form monopolies. We shall not collude with other companies nor form cartels to limit competition through practices such as price fixing.

Money laundering

We shall not be part of money laundering, which is the illegal process of making large amounts of money generated by criminal activity, such as drug trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money from the criminal activity is considered dirty, and the process "launders" it to make it look clean.

Trade sanctions

We shall comply with applicable trade sanctions, which are commercial and financial penalties imposed by one or more countries, and targeted against a country, organization, group, or individual.

Company risk assessment

We take a proactive approach towards risks that might impact our business by performing a company risk assessment that classifies and prioritizes risks for mitigation depending on their overall probability, impact, and detectability. The assessment is revised at least annually, and the mitigation actions shall be implemented in the yearly operative plan. 

Atlas Antibodies is going green!

We say goodbye to plastics and styrofoam, as we transition to a fully sustainable, reusable, recyclable, and environmentally friendly option.

In our commitment to environmental sustainability, we are proud to inform you that we have embraced an eco-friendly solution by incorporating WoolCool (100% natural sheep wool) into our packaging.

This change not only reflects our dedication to reducing our ecological footprint but also ensures that your Atlas Antibodies product is delivered with care for both you and the planet.


We support United Nations Global Compact

Atlas Antibodies is a supporter of the United Nations Global Compact, a multi-year call to action on the universal principles on human rights, labor, environmental sustainability, and anti-corruption.

In line with our business values,  we have pledged to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture, and daily operations.

Click below for a detailed outline of our commitment to sustainable business development, and how we measure our success.

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Atlas Antibodies Code of Conduct

The purpose of the code of conduct is to secure a common understanding of how to act and behave under our company values and culture.

This is a guide on how to follow the defined successful behaviors of Atlas Antibodies Group. The code of conduct applies to all employees, consultants, and contractors, i.e., all personnel at Atlas Antibodies and wholly owned subsidiaries (“Atlas Antibodies Group”). We also expect our suppliers, agents, distributors, and representatives and any joint venture in which Atlas Antibodies Group is a participant to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct states the expected behavior for management and employees, consultants, and contracts acting within the business processes of Atlas Antibodies Group.

Read Code of Conduct