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Rabbit anti-human GOLGB1 polyclonal antibody in Centriole and Golgi microtubule nucleation research

Article: "Centriole and Golgi microtubule nucleation are dispensable for the migration of human neutrophil-like cells"


There have been conflicting reports on the role of the centrosome in cell migration.

In general, most studies have shown that the centrosome is essential for cell migration.

Using our rabbit anti-human GOLGB1 polyclonal antibody (HPA011008) in immunofluorescence and depleting centrioles in neutrophil-like cells, this study shows that centrioles are not required for neutrophil-directed migration.

Read full article here.

Find out more about our polyclonal Anti-human GOLGB1 polyclonal antibody (HPA011008).