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Our top 10 best-seller Anti-HNF1B monoclonal antibody used to stain human cancer tissue

Article: "Napsin-A and AMACR are superior to HNF-1β in distinguishing between mesonephric carcinomas and clear cell carcinomas of the gynecologic tract"


The image shows the differential staining patterns in mesonephric carcinoma and clear cell carcinoma
(Pors J et al. 2020).

Napsin-A and AMACR are superior to HNF-1β in distinguishing between mesonephric carcinomas and clear cell carcinomas of the gynecologic tract.

Mesonephric carcinomas are rare malignant tumors of the female uterine cervix commonly mistaken for an ovarian clear cell carcinoma due to their overlapping morphologic features.
Given the common confusion between mesonephric carcinomas and clear cell carcinomas, this study by Pors J et al. 2020, (Vancouver, Canada) aimed to compare the usefulness of HNF-1β, Napsin-A, and AMACR in separating clear cell carcinomas and mesonephric carcinomas in the gynecologic tract.

The authors found that Napsin-A and AMACR help distinguish mesonephric carcinomas from clear cell carcinomas of the female genital tract, but HNF-1β does not.

Our top 10 best-seller Anti-HNF1B (AMAb90733) monoclonal antibody was used to stain human cancer tissue.

Read full article here.