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Discover Atlas Antibodies' "Employee Spotlight" series. Learn about our great employees, and what it is like to work in a growing company in the life science industry. The series portrays the people that make up the company and keep it going rapidly forward.

This is a way for us at Atlas Antibodies to say thank you to our great employees for the tremendous efforts they put in, but also to tell the story of what it is like to work for Atlas Antibodies. 

If we have piqued your interest, we hope you will continue reading and thereby meet our first featured employee, Laura. She is our eminent senior scientific writer and content creator, with a strong neuroscience background. Read on and discover the journey that landed her at Atlas Antibodies.

Hi Laura, can you list five hashtags that describe your personality and interests?

Laura: #creativity #curiosity #neuroscience #graphicdesign #italiancuisine

Q1: Do you have any secret talents?

Laura: I can solve the Rubik’s Cube. I learned how to solve it by pretending to listen to my high school teachers during some boring math class. I know it is not a very useful talent but it’s always a surprise for my nephew.

Q2:Could you describe your role at Atlas Antibodies?

Laura: As a scientific writer, I help the marketing department promote the “science” behind our products by creating scientific content and insights on various topics and channels for different audiences. My work results come mainly in the form of blog posts, newsletters, case studies, social media posts, white papers, protocols, interviews, posters, scientific presentations for international conferences, and more.




Laura Pozzi, Sr. Scientific Writer at Atlas Antibodies



Q3:What is your favorite thing about working in a life science company?

Laura: As a scientist, I have a bias for scientific facts, for objective and verifiable observations. In my role at Atlas Antibodies, I have the opportunity to read the latest research papers, write about them, and engage with the scientists who collaborate with us. So, I’m truly glad that science is still a part of my life.

Q4:Could you tell us about one of your favorite Atlas Antibodies memories?

Laura: Sure, I remember a Christmas dinner we had at the Ethnographic Museum in Stockholm. The premise was closed to the public, so we had all the museum for ourselves. Together with my teammates, I had the chance to shoot with a blowgun, dance to the rhythm of a Djembe and a xylophone, and walk blinded around a room trying to reach a final spot. It was really fun! And the food was good too.

Thank you, Laura, for sharing your story with us.